Southern United Neighborhoods (SUN) is a 501c3 public charity founded in March 2010 by low to moderate income people that uses research and training to combat the poverty, discrimination and community deterioration that keeps low income people from taking advantage of their rights and opportunities.

The South maintains the nation’s highest rate of child poverty at 18.9%, and these families live in a cycle of poverty that is characterized by inadequate wages, high unemployment rates, lower educational and skill-building opportunities, poorly performing schools, and communities with weak infrastructure and higher rates of crime.

Many such families fail to be able to improve their financial circumstance due to poor understanding of how to maintain their finances as well as a lack of opportunity to improve their assets.

The mission of SUN is to address the adverse conditions of poverty, discrimination and community deterioration in order to improve the lives of low to moderate income families. SUN works to create affordable housing programs, financial literacy services, environmental and health education programs and support for low to moderate income families to help them get out of poverty and create citizen wealth.


mailing address:  2221 St. Claude Avenue New Orleans, LA 70117