Month-Long National Crime Victims’ Rights visual and literary art exhibit at Fair Grinds Coffeehouse at 2221 St. Claude Avenue, New Orleans, LA that will be called “Healing Together New Orleans: Strength, Resilience and Justice” and opens on April 3rd and focuses on victimization and the healing and recovery process.
Victims of crime, along with their family members & loved ones are encouraged to either participate in the submission of art or photography of or concerning something memorable about a loved one, survivors of crime and artists who are concerned about crime are also encouraged to submit art pieces to this exhibit.
Works can be submitted that are virtual or literacy, to encourage all types of expression.
Deadline for Inclusion in Exhibit Book will be March 27th
Artwork can be listed anonymously if desired.
Please email with project idea and reserve exhibit space.
Or simply fill out the content form below.
This project is supported by a National Crime Victims’ Right Week Community Awareness Project subgrant awarded by the National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators under a Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
Healing Together New Orleans is a Project of Southern United Neighborhoods